Therapeutic Massage

Reflexology Massage

Therapeutic massage which includes a reflexology treatment


Reflexology is an ancient healing practice using a focused pressure technique, typically applied to the hands or feet. It offers a unique opportunity to address issues/concerns in not only the area being worked on, but throughout the entire body by using the appropriate reflex points. It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the hands and feet which co... Read More

Reflexology is an ancient healing practice using a focused pressure technique, typically applied to the hands or feet. It offers a unique opportunity to address issues/concerns in not only the area being worked on, but throughout the entire body by using the appropriate reflex points. It is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the hands and feet which correspond to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body.

Kayla graduated in Spring 2023 from the Advanced Professional Massage Therapy Program at Wholistic Health Training & Research Centre in Edmonton. She is passionate about helping others live their best lives. She also has an interest in health & fitness, and believes in the importance of lifelong learning, having previously pursued degrees in English and Linguistics. After completing university and working desk jobs in marketing/customer relations and service departments within a car dealership group, the sedentary nature of the work started taking a physical toll. Pain in the neck and shoulders was a daily occurrence, and back and hip pain were becoming more and more frequent. She decided something had to change, and began seeking out a massage therapist and seeing a chiropractor regularly. Not realizing at the time, this was the first step on the journey to a career in healing and helping others! She pursued the RMT program at Wholistic Health Training & Research Centre because of its holistic approach to healing and the body. The knowledge gained from this program, as well as from additional reading, research, and her own guided health journey, has culminated in a firm belief that the body heals best when treated as a whole unit. This is the intent behind each treatment – work the entire body, not only the areas where the pain is felt, but also the areas it is related to and/or originating from.

Kayla is trained in multiple massage modalities (including therapeutic, deep tissue, sports, orthopedic, lymphatic, pregnancy, and infant massage), and often uses a combination of modalities, tailored to the specific needs of each client. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time reading, crafting, hanging out with her partner and pets, heading to the gym, and playing board games with friends.

Kayla graduated in Spring 2023 from the Advanced Professional Massage Therapy Program at Wholisti... Read More

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